Birth is POWER, and I am here to remind you that you, and only you, are in control.
I believe in birth, women, OUR WOMBS just as they were created. Your innate power to bring a living, breathing entity in this world is your GIFT. You are not broken or helpless as our modern system of care will lead you to believe. You have POWER, strength, a deep seeded instinctual ability to give life.
I want to see you soar on the mindblowing ecstasy that birth can be.
Our maternal care is a serious of “thank you, next” protocols that diminish our being. Compassion has been removed from the most raw, trans formative experiences known to this world, replaced by fear, uncertainty, “but I saved you!”. I’m here to show you how to DEMAND compassion, consent, emotion in an otherwise cold, sterile sea.